Archive by Author

Sep 20
guidance office

In middle school we were all shuffled into the “Career Resource” room to determine our career paths. This was easily accomplished by looking in a eight inch thick book with every career possibility inside. The book was overwhelming and I remember browsing through it quickly trying to skim the pages to see if anything sounded [...]

Sep 16

Wow – great question and a great 90 second video on what WordPress is and what it does. Enjoy!

Sep 06

What Does Being Blacklisted Mean? In short, being blacklisted by Gmail, Yahoo!, MSN, Comcast, Verizon, etc. means that a sufficient number of recipients flagged your email messages as SPAM, and you can no longer send emails – or worse yet, they can cancel your internet connection altogether. How do I avoid being blacklisted? Don’t use [...]

Mar 02

I’m reminded almost weekly that small business owners shouldn’t be formatting and sending out their newsletters and promotions. I subscribe to quite a few newsletters – some I really enjoy reading because the formatting is awesome, and others I skip over because the formatting is less than desirable. Small business owners typically lack the time [...]